Monday, November 10, 2014

LAD #11

The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions states that both men and women are to be considered equal. Women were continually treated by men as if they needed constant monitoring and the declaration wanted to fix that and give women some equal rights. In the past women had not been allowed to keep track of their own money. They couldn't vote, couldn't be educated, and has been further excluded from society through these policies and ideas. Along with showing all the problems they wanted to fix, the Seneca Falls Declaration came complete with a list of resolutions to the issues involving women listed before. It stated that men and women were hereby equal and a women could do just as much as her fellow man. the declaration also stated that women were to be properly educated and that falsified the idea that men were the superior gender. Finally, the document touched on women having the same capabilities as women and no longer need to feel as though they were beneath the men in their communities.

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