Tuesday, March 3, 2015

LAD #32

The Kellogg Briand Peace Pact was signed in 1928. It was created as a treaty to reestablish stability between the nations. Powers such as Great Britain, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, and Japan in the coming year. The treaty called for war to no longer be used as part of the national policy. Those who agreed to the terms and signed the document were therefore agreeing to no longer use war, weapons, and militarism as it had been previously used and instead accept the change the pact projected. If any nation that had signed the agreement were to break that pact and use war as means of benefiting their nation, they would be denied all the positive things the treaty had to offer to them. The treaty was created as a means to slowly wane countries off of using war for their own self benefit and one day live in a world where people would no longer need that sense of violence. The document, having been written by S. of State Frank Kellogg and signed by President Coolidge, gave America the complete control to allow as many nations into the pact as they pleased.

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