Jefferson starts his address by saying how he alone was not able to govern the country that was the United States of America. Although he had his problems with it and was upset over the loss of the Articles of Confusion, he declared that he would use the Constitution to the best of his ability in order to be a thorough President. Jefferson also declares that he wishes the United States to become just that--united. He wanted them to get past the differences, disagreements, and difficulties they'd had in the past in order to have a clear view towards the future. Jefferson truly believes and shares with the people that Republicanism is the next great step the country needs to take. He continues saying how it will help the people govern themselves. He shares his views on America in its success and lists all the policies that will help lead to success. Jefferson asks that the people be patient when it comes to governmental decisions, for he is only human and it will take time for him to complete these difficult tasks; but nevertheless, he intends to have them completed at one point or another. He nears the end of his speech by stating that he will give up his seat of power whenever the people wish him to since he is a strong believer in the power of the American people. He states that he wants the government to represent the will of the people and hopes to one day grasp the success of a full united and realized America.
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