Factory conditions grew continually worse after the rise of big business post civil war, leading to the creation of groups such as the Populist Political Party who stood up against corporate greed in order to create better working conditions for the lower classes. The party continued by drafting a document that stated all the impact big business had left on poverty stricken immigrants and the working class. They explained the slums people were living in along with the unionizations taking place. They continued to explain their belief that silver should be used as the number one currency in America, going back to the much debated concept on paper money or coins. Populists considered the government to have failed its people and it to be as corrupt as the big businesses that'd left the country in shambles. They want there to be unionizing of labor workers and no longer monopolized land controlled by powerful businesses. They embodied the idea of a better life for those living in the slums and working with machines that have killed more people than they can count. The party came to an end around the early 1900s, but their fight was not forgotten and continued to grow through those around them searching to better the lives of immigrants and union workers.
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