Wilson begins his first inaugural address by stating that there has been a change in government. He elaborates on the history behind there finally being a large population of Democrats within the heart of the government. Wilson considers this, from the Democratic standpoint, to have been a success. Finally a political party was united in government, a fact he thought to be nothing but a positive turning point for the nation. He continues speaking of the past and the blood, sweat, and tears it took Americans to develop a government as mighty and respected as our own, eventually narrowing down his speech to the topic of the lives that had been lost to achieve this country of greatness. Wilson states that Americans became greedy in some sense and began spending, not money, but human lives on the cost of worldly desires. He states that our growth industrially is obviously a good thing, but having too much of it could turn corrupt and evil. Wilson points out that the government had been used for selfish reasons rather than its original purpose--"for the people, by the people, of the people." But he then changed pace and began moving towards the positive side of all the nation is about. He states that seeing the good with the bad is a great thing in order for them to move forward in worldly affairs. Wilson wants to slide one foot into the future while keeping the other planted firmly in the past--meaning he wants to chase the destiny of the growing nation while still keeping in mind the original bases on which it was created. He wants to maintain the ideas of human rights in such a way that remains untouched no matter how many years pass. Wilson understands how the government is the guiding hand for the people, and promises to guide them without failure towards a greater future.
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